Thursday, July 2, 2015

Meeting Minutes, 4-11-2014

Villages of Chisholm Ridge Board Meeting, Notes/Minutes 4-1l-20l4
l. The question of approving the minutes for the Feb. 20 meeting came up, and no one seemed to
have the document/file that Joe had emailed. Joe resent that after the meeting.
2. We looked at the Financial reports in some detail in order to clear up questions and gain a better
understanding of where we stand and where things are trending, status of the reserve account,
3. We discussed bids for the French Drain, and Selda is going to get us one more bid from Classic
Construction. Also for painting the Gazebo.
4. The fence issue was discussed. Selda is going to follow up with the city to find out what if
anything has already been done.
5. Beazer * Selda brought documents and emails relating to this. It appears that we signed a
unilateral release and that Beazer did nothing and signed nothing to obligate themselves to pay
the $15,000. Before closing the matter, Barbara is going to review all materials on this to see if
we can find evidence of a legal obligation.
6. Fining Policy - The question arose as to whether it had been filed in order to be enforceable.
Selda is going to look into this.
7 . Insurance Renewal - We agreed to pay the whole year in full, $3747 .22 for general liability and
for the directors and officers. Selda is also requesting prices and more infomation for W'orkers
Comp and an Umbrela policy.
8. V/e talked about the web site and the $4O/month cost. We agreed to think this over and decide
9. We discussed Sunspot in some detail. We will make some blog comments on erosion damage
under the driveways to make owners aware of this problem. We have pictures of the worst ones
where damage is visible from the street and may send out letters to properties wlrere it is not
clear that Sunspot's edgrng is responsible for this. These would be properities with general
erosion not allowed to happen by careless edging with weedeaters, where the grass has died
alongside the driveway, and things of that nature. Other damage is widespread but less obvious.
Debris in the creek, which has now been allowed to accumulate since April, 2013, was again
discussed, and Selda is going to again follow up with Sunspot, She will also try to arrange for
one of us to walk with Brian to look at this and also some of the damage caused by careless
edging with weedeaters. Finally, we need a way to know when they are going to fertilize and
put out weed killers. This has ALL been covered with Brian before when he was at our general
meeting around October, 20 13.
10. We reviewed and made minor changes to Irene's brochure for residents and owners. Selda is
checking to see where the $25 fee goes for approving changes to yards, gardens and fronts.
11. We are putting information in the blog about broken ornaments, trash in bushes and picking up
the free pap€rs that are thrown.
12. The open session was closed.
13. The executive session was opened to review the Delinquency Report.
14. Next meeting was set for Friday, May 23,1:00 pm.
15. Meeting adjourned.