Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cleaning Save Money

Did you know that it costs you as a homeowner to clean up the neighborhood?  Any garbage that is left on in our front yards and the streets eventually blows over to the common areas and creek beds where it builds up.  Because these areas are maintained by the association, we are allocating more of the HOA fees towards cleaning up trash than needed.  However, wouldn't you rather these funds be used for other purposes?

An inch in a pinch saves miles after a while!  

It's that simple - when you spot trash, take a brief moment to pick it up now and dispose of it properly.  When walking your dogs, bring a couple bags with you to clean up after you pet as you go.  After garbage pick-up, pick up any items that have fallen out.  You'll be surprised at how little time it takes to be proactive yet how much of a difference it makes in the bigger picture.